Top of Minds Global Data Summit
Top of Minds deltar som talare på The Global Data Summit (GDS) i Colorado i början av Oktober. Patrik Lager presenterar Focal modellering och Daniel Fagerström pratar om Kafka och streamade realtids datalager.
”The Global Data Summit är en is a gathering of experts and professionals from around the world. Fully half of GDS speakers are international, and every speaker is a seasoned veteran of enterprise-level data management. It is a chance to listen and learn as well as interact and mingle with leading experts in the field. The format will emphasize interaction over classroom learning and will include, small group sessions, lightning rounds, and hands on demonstrations on data modeling, analytics, and warehousing. Each speaker will be available at times during the day for questions and feedback. We are striving to make this the most valuable Global Data Summit for you, the participant.”
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